Cost is a very important factor for companies looking to create a corporate video, however, many of these (generally newer) companies often aren’t aware of what a price range may be.
Since many smart phones incorporate cutting edge camera hardware in the palm of your hand, as well as editing software, it’s relatively easy to produce decent videos without any additional costs. Once the optimal target audience is determined and the most interesting aspects and moments are shared, the project may have more impact than big budget productions.
However companies may want to settle for a high quality video that is guaranteed to hit the mark , and that’s what video professionals are for.
Type and quality of the camera, duration of the shooting, post editing, crew size and experience, and other third party agencies will all factor into the budget of the production. A production costing hundreds or thousands of dollars will share the same story, but the way that the two are choreographed and attention to detail will differ.
Before starting a video project, know what the range of your budget may be. Based on your budget you may determine whether you would like the film shot in a higher quality camera or stay on budget even though the end result will not be as effective on the audience as a higher quality video may be.
Also don’t risk creating a poor or even cheesy video, as it may bring a bad reputation to your business, ultimately costing you more profit than you had intended.
Before purchasing a service, check a production company’s reel and previous work to sample their quality and rates. You may be offered different rates for the same job, however, purchasing a production service is unlike buying a car, it is the art of storytelling, and however compelling the result is, the more you will get back.
Following these steps will result in more affordable video productions:
1. Consider what kind of service or product that you want to promote in your video. What are the highlights of your company?
2. If you currently already have a decent gallery of photo, graphics, and video pertaining to your production, you may only need editing. Decide on whether you will need new content as it will significantly bottleneck your bugdet.
3. Write a lead and describe your video project. Be aware of deadlines as some project ideas may take longer than others.
4. Who are your target audiences? What medium will the video be shared through? An Instagram corporate video will drastically differ from one that will be posted on YouTube or a company site.
5. Get quotes from 3-5 different video production companies. Compare the cost and quality, as well as any other eye catching aspects of competitor video producers and decide which one suits your needs best.
6. Before final decisions are made, try to opt for the most dedicated crew, since they tend to produce the best production in your budget, and won't sacrifice the quality for other projects.
As a company, before deciding a video production or choosing a video production company, you should do some homework.
1. What kind of product or service do you need to promote and what is special about it? How would you like to highlight these aspects?
2. How necessary is a corporate video production? Is it necessary for this field of business?
3. Take a look at how much your competitors spend on video production. Take a look at a few that were particularly influential and set your sights on creating something better.
4. Does your business own any footage, graphics, or photographs that you can use for your video production? You can hire professionals and get a high quality production, but they aren’t time travelers: keep your business’s audio visual history in check so that you may showcase any milestones.
5. In order to minimize costs, work directly with the video production companies since middlemen may cause the costs to rise.
6. Is it possible to create the videos on your own? Smart phone technology enables anyone to record high quality images and edit content in the palm of your hands. Is this enough for your company demands? If you need more try to contact a professional.
7. Look into local video production companies. Check their show reel and rates, get quotes, and examine the quality that you would get from that company. Look for a good composite of quality and price.
8. Video production is a story telling art which needs a dedicated crew of artists. Particularly smaller companies will have more dedicated crews and will put more effort into your project.